I am a 20 year-old college student majoring in Biochemistry, who loves to read and make book-related videos on my YouTube channel. :)
This is an "Unhaul" video, in which I show you which books I'm getting rid of!
Time for some spring cleaning, I had to get rid of some books to make room for new ones! It's always hard deciding which books to let go of, and then also what to do with them. I really love my local book trader though, it makes me feel like I'm getting something in return for my books! :)
This is a fun, interesting, and very strange story..
I quite enjoyed this book. It is an intriguing world to enter into with some very fascinating characters.
It is definitely creepy because of all the peculiar children and the photographs throughout the novel, but I would not say it is scary. This book reminds me more of an adventure and mystery story.
The main character, Jacob, goes on a journey to find answers to his grandfather's untimely death and also his secretive life. In his search he stumbles upon a world unknown to the normal human population. In this world he meets many different characters that have varying supernatural abilities.
I think the world is fun and interesting, although I was a little confused at times. I also enjoyed the different characters that Jacob meets, and it was entertaining reading about their personalities, abilities, and relationships.
However, I never felt super attached to any of the characters, including Jacob.
The writing was lacking a little for me. I feel that this book had a strong atmosphere of eeriness to it, but I never felt enveloped in it. The writing is a bit bland. I think if the book did not have all of the interesting pictures, it would not be as enjoyable. In the beginning, I found myself really looking forward to the pictures more than the story.
The plot picked up towards the end and I loved some of the twists!
Overall, I think this book is just a fun read, and I would recommend it to people who are looking for something unique and a little weird!