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Traveling Through Pages


I am a 20 year-old college student majoring in Biochemistry, who loves to read and make book-related videos on my YouTube channel. :)

False Future by Dan Krokos

False Future - Dan Krokos

Series: False Memory Trilogy #3

Expected Publication: August 19, 2014 by Disney-Hyperion



I am not going to go into a summary of this book because I don't want to majorly spoil False Memory or False Sight, however, there may still be slight spoilers for those in this review, just a warning.


This is the perfect conclusion to a mind bending, full throttle trilogy! I wasn't sure if I would be able to get back into this world and story since it had been nearly a year since I read the previous book, but Dan Krokos made it very easy to remember everything. I was very happy about that, especially since this series is extremely complex.


My favorite things about this trilogy are the plot developments. The twists are seriously on point. I was always shocked by them and I loved how ruthless Krokos is. I know that sounds weird, but he is not afraid of taking risks with his characters and plot and I found that enjoyable and refreshing. 
I also love how intricate and complicated this world is. Many aspects to the world are explained and explored in this final installment. I thoroughly enjoyed learning more about it.


Another great thing about this book and trilogy is how fast-paced it is. There is hardly ever down time, and it's hard to put the book down. I love the action scenes. They are fairly brutal, but exciting at the same time.


The characters are awesome as well. Miranda is a strong lead, but I enjoy how the side characters play big roles. The reader really gets to know the characters and they each have very distinct and entertaining personalities. It was great seeing Miranda's relationships with each of the characters evolving from book to book.


As much as I want to, I can't give this book a full 5 stars. That is because I am still confused on some aspects. I feel like we didn't get all the answers needed in the conclusion. It was a great ending, but I wish there was more of an epilogue for the future. This book is really about fighting to save the future, and I want to know if it really was saved. 


With that said, this trilogy is great for readers who are looking for something that is a thought-provoking mix of fantasy and science fiction. This series is mostly plot-driven and includes parallel universes, clones, the apocalypse, and super powers. It is very easy to read each of the books in one sitting and they will definitely keep you on the edge of your seat! 


*Thank you to Disney-Hyperion for sending my a copy of this book in return for an honest review. All opinions and thoughts are my own.*